Access to the wireless network (WiFi) of the Mathematical Institute of the University of Bonn with macOS 13 („Ventura“)

Note: unfortunately, Apple sometimes changes the user interface even within a major version of macOS, so your Mac may behave differently. These instructions apply to macOS 13.5.

In order to use the Mathematical Institute's wireless network and surf the web, you have to add your access certificate and set up the network access. The former step you may perform outside the MI, for the latter you need to be inside the MI WiFi range.

Adding the certificate

Double click on the file cert.p12 you received via email, (either directly in your mail program or wherever you saved it). In case the following dialogue appears, make sure Keychain is set to login Add Certificates and click Add.

A dialogue asking you to enter a password appears. Enter the password given to you in the email or, if none was specified, enter WLAN Enter the password for “cert.p12” and click OK.

Setting up network access

From the list of WiFi networks available Wi-Fi choose MI.

A new window appears. In the top field (initially reading No certificate selected), choose the certificate you just added, leave the Account name and Password fields empty Select a certificate or enter a name and password for network “MI” and click OK.

Another dialogue appears Verify Certificate click Continue

Note: The server name (in the example shown, may differ. Due to routine certificate renewal or because a different redundant authentication server replies, this or a similar (showing a different server name) notice may appear later when joining our WiFi again.

Shortly after, the following request appears. Enter your local password for your Mac eapolclient wants to sing using key “privatekey” in your keychain and click Allways Allow.

Another request appears. Enter your Mac Password again eapolclient wants to change access permissions of the “privateKey” item in your keychain and click Allow.

You are now connected to the MI network..