Henrik Rüping
I am a postdoc at the Universität Bonn in the Bonn topology group
Postal address: Henrik Rueping,
Mathematisches Institut,
Universität Bonn,
Endenicher Allee 60,
53115 Bonn,
Office: Room 4.024
Phone: +49 228 73-62369
GRK Research Seminar Schedule:
Arthur Bartels, Wolfgang Lueck, Holger Reich, Henrik Rueping:
K- and L-theory of group rings over GL_n(Z)
to appear in Publ. Math. IHES -
Giovanni Gandini, Henrik Rueping:
The Farrell-Jones conjecture for Graph Products
Algebraic and Geometric Topology 13(2013),3651-3660 -
Henrik Rueping:
The Farrell-Jones conjecture for some general linear groups
Universitaets- und Landesbibliothek Bonn -
Adam Mole, Henrik Rueping:
Equivariant refinements
arXiv Preprint -
Henrik Rueping:
The Farrell-Jones conjecture for S-arithmetic groups
arXiv Preprint -
Giovanni Gandini,Sebastian Meinert, Henrik Rueping:
The Farrell-Jones conjecture for fundamental groups of graphs of abelian groups
arXiv Preprint - Holger Kammeyer, Wolfgang Lueck and Henrik Rüping:
The Farrell-Jones conjecture for arbitrary lattices in virtually connected Lie groups
arXiv Preprint
Talks/Slides of talks:
- The Farrell-Jones conjecture for some general linear groups, 17th NRW Topology meeting, Muenster, May 4th 2012
- The Farrell-Jones conjecture for some general linear groups, Oberseminar Bonn, November 6th 2012
- The Farrell-Jones conjecture for graph products, Oberseminar Karlsruhe, October 24th 2012
- The Farrell-Jones conjecture for graph products, Topology seminar Copenhagen, 15th 2013
- Slides of my PhD defense(in German).
- A rough outline of the proof of the Farrell-Jones conjecture for CAT(-1)-groups ( Printversion) , GRK Research Seminar Bonn, July 14th 2014
- Geometric Group Theory
- Algebraic K-Theory
- Manifolds
- Bonn Topology group
- MathOverflow.
I created a ray tracing software for very simple objects in hyperbolic space, Euclidean space and in the 3-sphere. Some videos can still be found here. It might be possible to extend these programs to some of the remaining model geometries.
Furthermore it would be nice to create videos about decomposition space theory, the Alexander horned sphere and the Bing involution on the 3-sphere.
Ausschreibung: "Hausdorff Chair", Bewerbungsfrist: 15. März 2025
Büroangestellte*r für das Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM)
Angkana Rüland erhält Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis 2025
Abel in Bonn: Abel Symposium 2025
Wolfgang Lück erhält den von Staudt-Preis
Gerd Faltings in den Orden pour le mérite aufgenommen
Geordie Williamson erhält den Max-Planck-Humboldt Forschungspreis 2024
ERC Starting Grant für Markus Hausmann
EMS-Preis 2024 für Jessica Fintzen
Bonner Mathematik schneidet bei QS-Ranking wieder hervorragend ab
Stefan Schwede eingeladener Sprecher auf dem ECM 2024 in Sevilla
Cole Prize für Jessica Fintzen
Catharina Stroppel erhält Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis 2023