Curriculum Vitae of Carl-Friedrich Bödigheimer

Curriculum Vitae of C.-F. Bödigheimer

1975-1979 diplom student, University of Heidelberg
1979 Diplom Thesis (Heidelberg):
Das Zerfallen der Künneth-Sequenz in der komplexen K-Theorie
(supervisor Albrecht Dold)
1979-1980 graduate student, Oxford University
1980 M.Sc. Thesis (Oxford):
On the realizability of cohomology groups
(supervisor Graeme Segal)
1980-1981 social service
1982-1984 Ph.D. student, University of Heidelberg
1984 Ph.D. Thesis (Heidelberg):
Gefärbte Konfigurationen : Modelle für die stabile Homotopie von Eilenberg-MacLane-Räumen
(supervisor Albrecht Dold)
1984-1985 SFB 170, University of G&ooml;ttingen
1985-1991 Assistant, University of Göttingen
1990 Habilitation (Göttingen):
On the topology of moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces.
Part I : Hilbert uniformization.
Part II : Homology operations.
1991-1992 Visiting Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
1992-1993 Heisenberg grant; IAS Princeton, University of Göttingen
1993-2022 Professor, University of Bonn